
My name is Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo. I have taught second grade, first grade and third grade for a total of 14 years. Some exciting news, my eight year old is in third grade here at KEY! Time flies and new wonderful memories are being made! I am happy to be back with the opportunity to work with all the teachers, students, and parents at such a great and flourishing environment like KEY Academy! I am the testing coordinator/teacher support this year. I look forward to a great year! One very important thing I would like to stress is attendance, if students are in school, then they are given the chance to learn, but if they are not present then they have missed out on an opportunity to learn and grow. I know the struggles in getting a child to school, but it will only benefit them and that is what we want, the best for our child. I will look forward to and expect lots of hard work and dedication from teachers, students, and parents, because with everyone's participation we will have a successful year!

Dear Parents,
During a time of concern and lots of unknowns, I want to let you know KEY is here to support you! I hope everybody is staying safe and working hard to get work done. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions ([email protected]), above is the latest letter of information. All updates are on the KEY Academy Charter website too! 


Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for the week of Oct. 19-23. We are focusing on long I and long u words. Our weekly concept is cooperation and we are reading folktales that teach us a lesson. In math we are going to start with multiplication. Please study any or all of these concepts with your child and always read or encourage reading for comprehension!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
I am so proud to present our first Student of the week award to Adrian. He is a hardworker and respects others! He did a great job on his decorating and presenting his poster. Congratulations!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for the week of Oct. 12-16.
Also, a reminder, Walk-a-thon is this Friday Oct. 16, please have your child bring in their pledges and the donations as soon as possible. If your child raises $25 or more the will receive a free beautiful KEY T-shirt!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Sorry this is a little late, here are the spelling words for this week of Oct. 5th-9th! Please check for tests that are being sent home for parents to look over, sign, and return to the teacher.
Also, there are many exciting things happening soon!
Oct. 8th Chucky E Cheese Fundraiser (Have fun and support our school!)
Oct. 16th Walk-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon (Get sponsors to donate money towards your child's participation, remember raise $25 or more and your child can get a free Key Academy T-shirt!
If you would like to donate snacks or drinks or time please contact myself, Ms. Tiffani or sign up at the office. Items you donate can be brought in in advance! Thanks for your participation!
Mrs. Aishan

Weekly Update

Dear Parents,
This week is a short week, I have not given new spelling words for our 3 days of school. Regular spelling homework will resume next Monday and new spelling words will be posted on Monday. There is no school on Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th of this week and Picture Day is next Wednesday the 30th. Please check or ask students to see their tests that are being passed back during the beginning of the week. Please sign your name to let the teacher know you have seen it and possibly reviewed it with your child. If you have any questions about anything please don't hesitate to contact me or talk with me. Have a great rest of the week!
Also, a reminder for hot lunch students, it is a new policy that all money goes straight to the lunch lady and not to the office or the teacher. If you would like to pay early for more than one day you can stop by the cafeteria in the morning or your child could do it during free breakfast time. 
Mrs. Aishan

Here is a picture of our homework schedule, it is a breakdown of homework for each day of the week!
Dear Parents,
Here are this week's spelling words they will need for homework every night! If you still have questions please contact me!
I wanted to take this time to thank all of the parents that took their time to come to Back to School Night, it was a huge success!
Also, from now on Breakfast will be served early in the morning starting from 7:50am-8:05am. Breakfast is a really important meal, if you don't have time at home for breakfast please bring your child in early so that they can enjoy some nourishment at school!
Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a brand new year, it will be a wonderful year with all of your children. It will be a year full of learning, exploring, and fun! It will be a very successful year if we all work together to guide your child in the right direction.
Homework will be given everyday with an exception of Fridays (there might be some Fridays with light homework). Your child will have Spelling(spelling words are in their spelling notebook which should be taken home every night and brought back to school to turn in), Reading Comprehension(worksheet), Math practice(worksheet from what we practiced in class that day), silent read for 20min and a reading log to follow the 20min reading(write a summary about what they read). Students are encouraged to read more chapter books and practice more paragraph writing. Spelling words will be copied down in class at the beginning of the week, if your child forgets his/her words you can find them posted here weekly.
Students will also be given more projects to work on this year, materials needed will be asked during the year, and directions will be given during the time assigned. Looking forward to a great year!
(Be sure to join us at BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Thursday 6pm-7:30pm. I will be giving a short presentation at 6:15pm-6:30pm.)
Mrs. Aishan

End of the year news

Dear Parents,
This fun and exciting year is coming to and end soon, all of the students are very excited and so are we. We have planned many fun activities for our last week of school. Here are a list of things happening each day:
Monday- students will be presenting Community Projects, students will be taking work/books home, we will be doing a fun experiment(making ice cream from scratch!)
Tuesday-students will be presenting Community Projects, students will be awarded certificates for their good work for the year, and our class Spelling Bee at the end of the day
Wednesday-student vs teacher/sports day(half day)
Thursday-Field-day! (half day and no hot lunch)
Friday-Pizza and a movie (half day and no lunch)
It has been a pleasure this year with your children!
Mrs. Aishan

Dear Parents,
-Here are the spelling words for the week. Please make sure your child is doing their homework.
-I am very pleased with the results of our annual Spelling Bee, congratulations to our winners!
-Please practice working on fractions with your child, we are working on: fractions of a whole, fractions of a group, and fractions greater than 1.
-Also, we have an upcoming fieldtrip to Tilden Park in Berkeley coming up on March12th. Make sure you have signed the fieldtrip form your child just received today. It is a free fieldtrip, but we do need chaperones and drivers, with out your participation we may not be able to make it. (If you can drive or chaperone please let the teacher know ASAP.) Your child should bring a bag lunch, wear comfortable clothing that they are going to be able to get dirty or wet. (Hats and sunscreen are highly advised!) 
Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo