
My name is Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo. I have taught second grade, first grade and third grade for a total of 14 years. Some exciting news, my eight year old is in third grade here at KEY! Time flies and new wonderful memories are being made! I am happy to be back with the opportunity to work with all the teachers, students, and parents at such a great and flourishing environment like KEY Academy! I am the testing coordinator/teacher support this year. I look forward to a great year! One very important thing I would like to stress is attendance, if students are in school, then they are given the chance to learn, but if they are not present then they have missed out on an opportunity to learn and grow. I know the struggles in getting a child to school, but it will only benefit them and that is what we want, the best for our child. I will look forward to and expect lots of hard work and dedication from teachers, students, and parents, because with everyone's participation we will have a successful year!

Dear Parents,
During a time of concern and lots of unknowns, I want to let you know KEY is here to support you! I hope everybody is staying safe and working hard to get work done. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions ([email protected]), above is the latest letter of information. All updates are on the KEY Academy Charter website too! 


Here are the spelling words for this week, 2-2-15. Report cards will be going out at the end of this week. Also, Valentine's Day candy grams are available for purchase until Thursday of this week, they will be passed out next week. 

Spelling Update/Dora and Adam Testing

Dear Parents,
     Due to the short week and the Dora/Adam testing going on our Spelling homework schedule will be affected. So far we have done ABC Order and #1-10 Sentences for the week with spelling words. We will continue the rest of the spelling homework on Monday, so our spelling test will be on Wednesday. Wednesday night and Thursday night your child will not have any spelling homework.
Also, please go over multiplication facts constantly with your child, we are working on division and knowing their multiplication is crucial for division! 

Hello and welcome back! I hope everybody has had a relaxing and fun winter break!
New Spelling for the week of Jan. 5th!
New Vocabulary for the week is seen above too, we work on the vocabulary in class every week.
Winter Break Assignment
Dear Parents,
The above photo is the information your child is to follow to complete their Animal Investigation over the winter break. Your child has chosen their animal in class and some have borrowed books from my classroom for the project. Please help students edit their 4 paragraph essays during the break. Also, if you have time, prepare them to present their project. They will have their presentation upon returning to school.
Students will also have a light packet of review work in Math and Language Arts.
Spelling words for the week of Dec.8 are review words from high frequency lists, previous spelling words, and math words.
Due to our fieldtrip on Friday Dec. 12th our spelling test will be pushed to the following Tuesday Dec. 16th.


Dear Parents,
Make sure students are practicing their multiplication facts in their spare time. We will be starting division in our next math chapter, the students will have a much easier time if they know their multiplication facts. Please practice with them when you have time.
Also, I have passed out a fieldtrip form today and need it returned by Friday December 5th. We need drivers and chaperones, if we do not have enough drivers third grade may not be able to participate.

Holiday Greetings

Hope everyone is getting some great work and family fun time in! Please make sure your child is getting on Lets Go Learn to take advantage of some great extra practice in both math and language arts skills. For easy access you can click on my links to take you directly to the website! Also, please remind students to finish and turn in holiday packets on Monday!