
KEY Academy

Our school is a free, public charter school that does not discriminate based on race, creed, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, special needs, English language proficiency, athletic ability, or academic achievement. We welcome all children and families. 


Learn More About KEY Academy

Tours are a great way to learn about KEY Academy's educational program and community. Please feel free to schedule a tour by calling our Main Office (510-397-2524). 


Enroll With Us

At this time, there are a few open spots in certain grade levels for the 2024-25 school year. If you would like to enroll this year, please call the Main Office (510-397-2524) and fill out the necessary enrollment papers. 


The 2025-26 school year Open Enrollment period begins on January 14, 2025, and ends on March 21, 2025. Complete and an online enrollment form here. Please fill out the Interest Form located in a box on the right side. By submitting this form, your child(ren) is not guaranteed enrollment into KEY Academy. The school will notify you of your child's enrollment status in April.


KEY Academy has limited spaces available in each grade level. If more students show interest than seats available, we will be holding a Public Random Drawing. Siblings of enrolled students will have first priority. The drawing will continue until all spaces have been filled and all names have been called to determine a waiting list. The names will be placed on a waiting list in the order that they are pulled. You are not required to attend the Public Random Drawing on April 10th. All students will be notified of their status by April 24th.  


Applicants on the waiting list will have the first right to enroll or decline as openings become available. The waiting list will be only active for the current school year.


Current Students

For students currently enrolled at KEY Academy, the Intent to Enroll Forms must be returned by Friday, January 31, 2025. A completed form will ensure a seat for the 2025-2026 school year. Students who do not complete the form by the requested date will not have a seat reserved for them.

Enrollment FAQ's

No, KEY Academy is a free public charter school, open to all students in California. As a result, every child receives a well-rounded education at no cost to their family. 
KEY Academy accepts Interest Forms from any student residing in California and there is not application fee to submit an Interest Form. 
If there are more Interest Forms than spots for a specific grade level, then enrollment is determined by a Public Random Drawing that is held following the closure of the Open Enrollment period. The following groups will have  priority in enrolling in KEY Academy (listed in priority order):
1. Siblings of already enrolled students 
2. Children of staff employed at the School
3. Students residing in the Hayward Unified School District
4. All other interested who reside in California
**KEY Academy offers equal access to applicants through our enrollment Public Random Drawing regardless of the basis of race, creed, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, special needs, English language proficiency, athletic ability, or academic achievement. 
A Public Random Drawing will be held in grade levels where there are more interested students than seats available. The Public Random Drawing will take place within thirty days of the close of the Open Enrollment Period. The drawing will continue after all spaces have been filled to determine a waiting list. Parents are not required to attend the Public Random Drawing. The School will send the results from the drawing to all families that participated in the drawing. 
Yes. The waitlist is specific for the current academic year. The current waitlist remains in effect through the end of the academic year in June. You must complete the enrollment process and submit a new Interest Form to be eligible for a seat in the following academic year. The Public Random Drawing in the spring will be used to select students who will be offered for seats for the fall or be added to the waitlist for the following year. It is possible for a student to be on both waitlists (the current school year & the waitlist for the following school year), since they are independent lists. 
  • In 2022–23, TK students are eligible if they turn 5 years old between September 2 and February 2
  • In 2023–24, TK students are eligible if they turn 5 between September 2 and April 2
  • In 2024–25, TK students are eligible if they turn 5 between September 2 and June 2
  • In 2025–26, LEAs are required to make TK available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 of the school year.
Per California law, proof of immunizations is required to be submitted for your child before attending school. A complete list of health requirements is included in the registration forms sent after an enrollment offer has been accepted. 
Even after the Open Enrollment period is over, we still accept students who are interested in attending.
Yes. All information submitted through the enrollment process will be kept confidential to the fullest extent allowed by law. We will not release your child's name without your consent unless he/she is accepted for admission and enrolled with KEY Academy. 
Yes. Filling out and returning an acceptance packet does not commit you to a decision. If, for any reason, your plans change and you no longer wish to enroll your child at KEY Academy, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer your child's place to another interested student. 
For more information, please email [email protected].
Charter School Complaint Notice and Form 
KEY Academy meets the needs of all students regardless of ability level or learning needs, including Special Education, Gifted & Talented, and English Language Learners. Charter schools are also not allowed to request a pupil's records before enrollment or encourage a child enrolled in a charter school to disenroll or transfer to another school. However, if a parent feels that the school has not followed enrollment policies, a parent, guardian, or pupil (18 years or older) may file a charter school complaint form by filling out the form below.
Are you interested in enrolling with KEY Academy? Please fill out the below online form or stop by the School Office.