
My name is Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo. I have taught second grade, first grade and third grade for a total of 14 years. Some exciting news, my eight year old is in third grade here at KEY! Time flies and new wonderful memories are being made! I am happy to be back with the opportunity to work with all the teachers, students, and parents at such a great and flourishing environment like KEY Academy! I am the testing coordinator/teacher support this year. I look forward to a great year! One very important thing I would like to stress is attendance, if students are in school, then they are given the chance to learn, but if they are not present then they have missed out on an opportunity to learn and grow. I know the struggles in getting a child to school, but it will only benefit them and that is what we want, the best for our child. I will look forward to and expect lots of hard work and dedication from teachers, students, and parents, because with everyone's participation we will have a successful year!

Dear Parents,
During a time of concern and lots of unknowns, I want to let you know KEY is here to support you! I hope everybody is staying safe and working hard to get work done. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions ([email protected]), above is the latest letter of information. All updates are on the KEY Academy Charter website too! 


Ways of Life Project


Ways of Life Project


  1. Which group of people will you be investigating?  
  2. What is their home called or like?
  3. What materials will you need to build this home?
  4. Write a 3-4 paragraph essay about your group of people you chose, their traditions, objects that were vital to their survival, what they ate, and anything else that was important to their way of life.
  5. This project will be due and done in class with your partner on May 27th 
  6. Presentations will follow shortly after the due date!


Dear Parents,
The year is coming to a close very soon, but that doesn't mean your child is not still learning. Above is the list of spelling words for this week.  We are still doing the usual weekly work and homework. Testing has been long and grueling, but we got through it well!
-We still have 2 more fieldtrips coming up on May 31st to Ardenwood in Fremont and June 2nd to Big Break in Oakley.
-Something else to look for is: your child is doing a project with a partner on 'Tribal Ways of Life'. It will be due on May 27th and that is also Multi-cultural Day which will be a very busy day too!
-Multi-cultural Day celebrations will be a celebration of our cultures, food, and filled with performances! Please come and join us! Your child will be asked to bring in a cultural dish to share with the class. More information will be given when the time comes.
-Field Day, our classroom Spelling Bee, and many more end of the year activities coming up!
Mrs. Aishan

Upcoming Testing

Dear Parents,
Please make sure your child is sleeping well and has had breakfast every morning. We are testing starting this week and will continue to test for the next couple of weeks. Students should be going onto the Caaspp.org website and working on the practice tests. There are a total of 4; ELA Practice and Training, ELA Performance Task, Math Practice and Training, and lastly Math Performance Task. Please have students practice every night in preparations for our SMARTER Balanced state exams. Also, please have students go onto the Letsgolearn.com website to practice all of the available practice links that appear upon login. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask!
Mrs. Aishan

Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for the week of Feb. 29th-March 4th.
There are many exciting things happening during Literacy month. I will take a picture of our monthly calendar or events.
Please have students start or think about a book for their book posters. I will be passing out guidelines for this project and at the end of this month before Spring Break we will have our annual book parade to showcase these wonderful projects. Also, each student will present their posters in front of class that same day!
We have a fieldtrip to Sulfur Creek by our school on March 17th, if you can chaperone please let me know. It will be a walking fieldtrip.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for the week of 2-22-16.
I wanted to congratulate all of my Spelling Bee winners! Good luck in the finals against San Leandro on Feb. 25th at 1:30pm!
I am very happy to say that 100th day was a success, we had lots of fun!
Literacy Month Activities
Literacy month is coming up in the month of March. It is a month of celebrating reading with many different and fun activities!
1. We will have a school wide reading contest.
2. We will have a book swap(bring in old books you have enjoyed to exchange with another for their favorite book).
3. Book Posters and Book Poster Parade
4. Book Poster Presentations in class
5. Teacher swap reading
6. Poetry Jam/Talent Show
7. Disney book door decorations contest
*Please come and talk with me if you have time to volunteer for an activity.*
Mrs. Aishan

News Update

Dear Parents,
-I am very proud and happy to say our students are doing pretty well and have been awarded popcorn and a movie! This will take place again next Friday Feb. 19th.
-Also, animal projects are due tomorrow Feb. 11th, hopefully they are working hard at home with this project! Presentations will be the week of Feb. 16th-19th.
-I have passed out a list of names for students that would like to pass out Valentine cards/goodies for the class. We have a total of 25 students, 14 boys and 11 girls.
-Spelling Bee for the school is Wed. Feb. 17th starting at 1:30pm.
Mrs. Aishan

Dear Parents,
Here are this week's spelling words for the week of Jan. 25th-29th. The following week we will not have new spelling words due to the Spelling Bee and fieldtrip. Remind your child to study their word-lists, but also let them know they could be asked other words not on the list.
Please be sure to attend our charter renewal meeting Jan. 27th at 6:30pm at the Hayward board meeting by the Civic Center downtown! Every bit of support is greatly needed!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Sorry this list is a bit late for the week. These are the spelling words for the week.
Please have students continue to study their multiplication. We are currently taking our multiplication timed tests and we just finished our 3s. If your child did not pass they will have the chance to retake it. They will not be able to move on to the next number until they have passed the previous number. At the end when they have passed 0-10 times table then they will be awarded an ice cream party.
Also, please look for a fieldtrip form to come. We will be going to Black Diamond in Antioch, more details will be given soon!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
It has been a lot of fun building the gingerbread houses. The students had a great time building and enjoying all the donations. We will be eating them tomorrow! Thank you to all the parents that made donations, we greatly appreciate them!
Students do not have spelling for this week, they still have the usual homework packet. 3rd grade will be given their winter homework packets on Thursday to take home. Included will be 3 pages of reading logs, but these reading logs will be a page for each book. The students should be reading a total of 3 chapter books and filling out a reading log of questions for each book. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
Have a wonderful winter break!
Mrs. Aishan

Gingerbread house making donations

Dear Parents,
2nd and 3rd grade is so excited to be making gingerbread houses this year. We have passed out a materials sheet for our project. Please if you can bring in any of the items that are needed. What we need most are the graham crackers, frosting, and candies for decorating the house.
Also, there will be no spelling for this week!
FYI- Students will have a winter packet to work on. Please also, make sure they are practicing their multiplication flashcards! 
Gingerbread house pictures to come!!!
Mrs. Aishan

Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for the week of Nov. 30th -Dec. 4th. Sorry this is a bit late, I was having technical difficulties before.
Dear Parents,
Here are our spelling words for the week of Nov. 9-13 and Nov. 16-17, these next couple of weeks will be shorter due to Veteran's Day Holiday, our Monterey Aquarium fieldtrip, and parent conferences. Our spelling test will be next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Also, a reminder for those students and parents going on our fieldtrip to Monterey to be early and make sure your child has used the bathroom before they get on the bus. It will be a long bus ride with no bathrooms on the bus and no stopping.
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for the week of Nov. 2-6. It is a review list, words the students have previously had before and may have had some trouble with. Please study and go over these words with them.
-In Language Arts we are talking about Immigration, why people immigrate to a new country.
-In Math we are working on multiplication. Please practice multiplication facts with your child as multiplication is a great stepping stone/foundation to many math concepts learned and needed in the years to come.
Veteran's Day holiday is on Wednesday Nov. 11th (NO SCHOOL)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Fieldtrip on Thursday Nov. 12th
Also, our Monterey fieldtrip forms have gone out. We are asking for a $10-$15 dollar donation if possible to help us pay for the bus rental fee. Students need to remember on the day of the trip to be at school early to board the bus at 7:45am as it is a long distance away.