
My name is Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo. I have taught second grade, first grade and third grade for a total of 14 years. Some exciting news, my eight year old is in third grade here at KEY! Time flies and new wonderful memories are being made! I am happy to be back with the opportunity to work with all the teachers, students, and parents at such a great and flourishing environment like KEY Academy! I am the testing coordinator/teacher support this year. I look forward to a great year! One very important thing I would like to stress is attendance, if students are in school, then they are given the chance to learn, but if they are not present then they have missed out on an opportunity to learn and grow. I know the struggles in getting a child to school, but it will only benefit them and that is what we want, the best for our child. I will look forward to and expect lots of hard work and dedication from teachers, students, and parents, because with everyone's participation we will have a successful year!

Dear Parents,
During a time of concern and lots of unknowns, I want to let you know KEY is here to support you! I hope everybody is staying safe and working hard to get work done. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions ([email protected]), above is the latest letter of information. All updates are on the KEY Academy Charter website too! 


Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling and vocabulary words for this week. It is a shorter week so spelling sentences will be done all in one night for homework.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school, it has been a great winter break! Here are the spelling and vocabulary words for this week.
Please have students finish and turn in Animal Projects no later than Friday January 13th! They need to include all three parts of their project.
1. Cover page with 3 paragraph essay
2. Poster with pictures and captions of their animal
3.Diorama of animal in their habitat
Students will be presenting their projects and what they learned in class, I will be grading on eye contact during presentation, speaking voice, and knowledge of information.
REMINDER, please have students wear appropriate clothing for the winter season and rainy season!
Mrs. Aishan

Week of Dec. 19-22

Dear Parents,
This week we will not have our usual spelling and vocabulary words. Your child will be working on review work, homework will be much lighter. I have planned this so your child will have more time to work on their Animal and Habitat Project at home and in class. It is very important your child brings their packet with their rough draft to school so I have a chance to check or help guide them in their project.
Reminder, all parts of their project will be due to turn in by Jan. 13th, the first Friday we come back from our holiday break!!
Mrs. Aishan

Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling and vocabulary words for this week. Please remind your child to work on his/her Animal and Habitat Project.
-Information fact to, information will be used toward their poster should be done by the end of this week.
-3 paragraph rough drafts should be done by the end this week too. Students need to bring rough drafts in for peer editing, please do 1 final edit after your child brings it home so they will be ready to work on their final draft over the winter break. 
Mrs. Aishan


Dear Parents,
Below are some helpful websites I have found to help your child research their animal. Students have chosen their animal today in class. Please encourage your child to find out as much of their animal as possible. Also, using more than one source is very helpful for your child's research too, for example; take them to the library to check out some books about their animal, look it up in an encyclopedia, and use some of the below websites.

I am a little bit behind on my Star student posts, they are doing a wonderful job and put lots of hard work into everything!
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling and vocabulary for the week.
Please look for an animal and habitat project packet that will be passed out tomorrow. Students will be choosing their animal based on the family they have picked out of a hat. For example, if your child has chosen an animal from the mammal family, please help them choose their animal which they will be writing 3 paragraphs, making a poster based on information they will be filling out from their packet, making a shoe box diorama on their animal's habitat, and finally presenting information about what they learned from their project in front of the class the week of January 17-20.
I will be sending out another post with more specific dates for each piece of the project, please look over the packet with your child and if you have more further questions I will be happy to answer them. Packets will be gone over in class before students take them home tomorrow.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are our spelling and vocabulary words for the week. It is rough getting back into the routine of things, but everybody is doing a great job! Keep it up and hope everyone had a great holiday break!
Mrs. Aishan
Here is our latest Star Student, feel like a proud Mom! Glad to see all of them are putting forth great effort!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are our spelling and vocabulary words for the week.
Please let me know or sign up for our Giving Thanks Lunch this coming Friday. Sign up sheet is posted on the outside of our door.
Reminder: Students will be given a multiplication facts packet to work on over the 1 week holiday break. They do not have to return, it is to be left at home so students can practice whenever they get a chance. We will be starting multiplication timed tests in December.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are our spelling words for this short week. They are a set of review words and our test will be on Thursday since we do not have school on Friday (Veteran's Day).
Also, 3rd grade will be having a 'Giving Thanks' lunch on Friday Nov. 18th before we go on our 1week holiday break. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer, donate something(pie, turkey sandwiches, or any other food or utensil item), or both.
Another thing is, students will be getting multiplication flashcards to cut out and practice over the week break, and please have students continue to go into IXL/LetsGoLearn to practice Math and Language Arts.
Mrs. Aishan
Here is our latest Star Student, they are doing a great job!
Mrs. Aishan
So proud of our Star Student! Enjoy the beautiful works of art!
Mrs. Aishan
Hi Parents,
Here is our Star Student the previous week, so proud and excited to share!
Mrs. Aishan