
My name is Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo. I have taught second grade, first grade and third grade for a total of 14 years. Some exciting news, my eight year old is in third grade here at KEY! Time flies and new wonderful memories are being made! I am happy to be back with the opportunity to work with all the teachers, students, and parents at such a great and flourishing environment like KEY Academy! I am the testing coordinator/teacher support this year. I look forward to a great year! One very important thing I would like to stress is attendance, if students are in school, then they are given the chance to learn, but if they are not present then they have missed out on an opportunity to learn and grow. I know the struggles in getting a child to school, but it will only benefit them and that is what we want, the best for our child. I will look forward to and expect lots of hard work and dedication from teachers, students, and parents, because with everyone's participation we will have a successful year!

Dear Parents,
During a time of concern and lots of unknowns, I want to let you know KEY is here to support you! I hope everybody is staying safe and working hard to get work done. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions ([email protected]), above is the latest letter of information. All updates are on the KEY Academy Charter website too! 


Dear Parents,
Here are the new spelling and vocabulary words for the up coming week of 9-18/9-22.
Monday-pajama day
Tuesday-twin day
Wednesday-wacky tacky day
Thursday-sports day
Friday-class color day (2nd grade is blue)
Chuck E Cheese is Wednesday night after homework club from 4:30-8pm. Please come out and join us for a night of fun and food!
Vocabulary with definition and sentences made by the students will follow in the week.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the other half of our vocabulary with definitions and sentences students came up with in class. If you have time please study them with your child so they will be more prepared for our weekly test.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are part of the vocabulary words with definitions and sentences the students came up with to practice with your child .
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling and vocabulary for the week of 9/11-9/15. Please go over with your child if possible. Students have been given tests to take home to be seen or signed by you. Please make sure you go over it with them. Students are allowed to correct wrong questions to be turned in for extra credit if they got a D or F grade. If you have any questions please feel free to come and talk with me before or after school.
Mrs. Aishan


Dear Parents,
Hope all is going well, please check homework after your child is done and make sure 20mins of reading is done every night.
I have passed back tests to be taken home. Please sign them and return back to school to show you have looked at them.
Also, Star Student will be starting soon.
Mrs. Aishan

Hi Parents,
Here are our vocabulary words for the week. Your child will see these words on our weekly test.
Hello Parents,
Here are the spelling words for this week, please have your child study and they will have their test on Friday.

Homework Policy


Homework Schedule for 2nd Grade


Monday-Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling ABC Order (put spelling words in ABC Order)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Tuesday- Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling sentences (put 5 spelling words in sentences)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Wednesday- Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling sentences (put 5 spelling words in sentences)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Thursday- Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling sentences (put 6 spelling words in sentences)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Friday-Read for 20 minutes

            -New Spelling words (preview for the new week)

            -Reading log due at the end of new week

*Schedule is subject to change due to the number of days in the week there is school. Extra homework might be given over the weekend to students getting a C or lower on tests. Projects or packets may be given during vacation time.


Students that come to class with incomplete or unfinished homework will be sitting at recess to complete.

If your child is absent please pick up missed assignments/homework on the inside of my door.


Mrs. Aishan



Coming week

Dear Parents,
Our school year will be coming to an end soon, it has been an exciting and wonderful year! Our annual Multicultural Day is on Friday May 19th and following will be a potluck of cultural food for the class to enjoy. Please make sure your child remembers to bring something from their culture to share with the class. Also, our last fieldtrip will be coming up the following week. Chaperones will be announced on Tuesday May20th due to a limited amount of people we can take on the boat ride with our class.
P.S. Homework should be about the same with a little group project done in class with some partners.
Mrs. Aishan