Homework Policy


Homework Schedule for 2nd Grade


Monday-Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling ABC Order (put spelling words in ABC Order)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Tuesday- Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling sentences (put 5 spelling words in sentences)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Wednesday- Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling sentences (put 5 spelling words in sentences)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Thursday- Math worksheet

            -Language Arts worksheet

            -Spelling sentences (put 6 spelling words in sentences)

            -Read for 20 minutes

Friday-Read for 20 minutes

            -New Spelling words (preview for the new week)

            -Reading log due at the end of new week

*Schedule is subject to change due to the number of days in the week there is school. Extra homework might be given over the weekend to students getting a C or lower on tests. Projects or packets may be given during vacation time.


Students that come to class with incomplete or unfinished homework will be sitting at recess to complete.

If your child is absent please pick up missed assignments/homework on the inside of my door.


Mrs. Aishan