Ms. Aishan » Posts


Dear Parents,
Sorry this is a little late, here are the spelling words for this week of Oct. 5th-9th! Please check for tests that are being sent home for parents to look over, sign, and return to the teacher.
Also, there are many exciting things happening soon!
Oct. 8th Chucky E Cheese Fundraiser (Have fun and support our school!)
Oct. 16th Walk-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon (Get sponsors to donate money towards your child's participation, remember raise $25 or more and your child can get a free Key Academy T-shirt!
If you would like to donate snacks or drinks or time please contact myself, Ms. Tiffani or sign up at the office. Items you donate can be brought in in advance! Thanks for your participation!
Mrs. Aishan