Ms. Aishan » Posts


Dear Parents,
-Here are the spelling words for the week. Please make sure your child is doing their homework.
-I am very pleased with the results of our annual Spelling Bee, congratulations to our winners!
-Please practice working on fractions with your child, we are working on: fractions of a whole, fractions of a group, and fractions greater than 1.
-Also, we have an upcoming fieldtrip to Tilden Park in Berkeley coming up on March12th. Make sure you have signed the fieldtrip form your child just received today. It is a free fieldtrip, but we do need chaperones and drivers, with out your participation we may not be able to make it. (If you can drive or chaperone please let the teacher know ASAP.) Your child should bring a bag lunch, wear comfortable clothing that they are going to be able to get dirty or wet. (Hats and sunscreen are highly advised!) 
Mrs. Aishan Lu Yokoo