Ms. Lauren's 2nd Grade Class


Tests this Week and Reminders

Mini quizzes on Math lessons 9-12 on Monday through Thursday.
Phonics test on common final blends: nd, ng, nk, nt, ft, xt, and mp on Thursday, 10/3
Field trip permission slips are due Monday, October 7th 
Field Trip Day is Wednesday October 9th - we will let you know if you have been chosen as a chaperone.  If so, you will need to make sure the school has a copy of your driver's license and insurance on file.  Also, all second graders need a booster seat or they will not be able to go.

Tests week of 9/23

Math mini quizzes Monday through Thursday after learning the lesson
Phonics test on consonant blends (r, l, and s) on Thursday, 9/26
Friday, 9/27: vocabulary, grammar (nouns), comprehension (Teacher's Pets), and spelling (consonant blends with r, l, and s

Spirit Week

Monday, 9/23 - Pajama Day
Tuesday, 9/24 - Retro Day (60's, 70's, 80's)
Wednesday 9/25 - Dress fancy or professional - Picture Day
Thursday 9/26 - Wacky Tacky Day - mismatch clothes, backwards clothes, crazy hair
Friday, 9/27 - Disney or superhero day