
Movie Day is here!
Students are welcome to stay after school with us this
Friday, January 24th for a Movie Day to raise money for our school!
Students are encouraged to wear pajamas to school and may bring a pillow and/or blanket! (please no toys or stuffed animals)
Where:  K-4th grade will be in the Cafeteria
When: Food sales start at 1:00pm and the movie will start at 1:30pm!
Multicultural Day is around the corner! Multicultural Day will be taking place on Thursday, December 18th.
There will be a pot luck and performance from our class. 
More information coming soon!

Chuck-E-Cheese Night Fundraiser!

September 25th
24039 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, Ca. 94545

September 25th (Wednesday) is also Picture Day at School

Hello Parents and Guardians,

I try to provide a snack for each student during recess time. However, due to my small budget for the class, it is hard for me to provide them each day. If you are able, please donate some snack foods to our classroom so we can make it through the day with food in their stomachs. Anything with a long shelf life would be best, crackers, pretzels, goldfish, etc. 
Thank you so much!
Ms. Karly