Ms. Aishan » Posts


Dear Parents,
Here are the vocabulary definitions and sentences part 1 for the students to practice.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling and vocabulary words for the week.
Update, K-4th will be having an in-school fieldtrip with different reptiles on Wednesday Nov. 29th.
Also, 2nd grade will be working on a holiday activity on the last week of school before the Winter Break. More information will be sent out when the time is closer.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here is our latest Star Student! So proud of her, she is a smart and caring child! Keep up the good work!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here is the second part of the vocabulary the students will see on our test on Tuesday. Happy studying!
Our class will be working on a project next week Wednesday and need toilet paper rolls. Please save them and bring one in for your child!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are some of the vocabulary words students will see on the test next week Tuesday.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are our spelling and vocabulary words for this week. Our vocabulary words will be in our Comprehension test next week Tuesday and Wednesday. Our spelling test will be pushed to next Monday. Students will not have new spelling words until we come back from our Thanksgiving break.
Also, if you have toilet paper rolls please save them for us, we will need them for a project in class next Wednesday.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here is our proud and excited Star Student! He is a thoughtful and smart individual. Please congratulate him on his good work!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here is our latest Star Student, Giulianna. She is a sweet, creative, and smart student! Congrats!
Mrs. Aishan 
Dear Parents,
Here is one of our Star Students, Andres. He is a great listener, hardworker, and always very respectful!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are our spelling words for this week. Vocabulary is the same as last week.
Students are welcome to wear their costumes to school on Halloween, no masks or anything distracting for the class please.
2nd grade is looking forward to our Witch's Brew Activity on Wednesday after lunch!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the other part of our vocabulary words with their definition and a sentence. Please go over these to help further your child's success!
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the first 4 vocabulary words with their definitions and a sentence for example.
Mrs. Aishan
Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling and vocabulary words for this week.
Mrs. Aishan