Up coming events

Dear Parents,
Please look out for our movie fieldtrip forms going out tomorrow. Students will need to return them by Wednesday Feb. 28th. It will be a fieldtrip to see Peter Rabbit in the Hayward Downtown theatre. Please note the rules and directions given to those that will be attending:
-Adult or child tickets are $6 each
-We advise students to not purchase anything at the concession stand to be mindful of other students that will not be able to afford other items other than a movie ticket.
-Wear warm comfortable shoes and clothing because this is a walking fieldtrip.
-Students can pack and eat a snack before the movie and we will return back to school in time for lunch.
Please let me know if you would like to be a chaperone or if you have any other questions. I look forward to seeing you for our fieldtrip!
P.S. Door decorations on a book series is amidst, please let me know if you can volunteer to help out in any way!!! 
Mrs. Aishan