Ms. Kjasa » Classroom Policies

Classroom Policies

Birthday Treats:
Celebrating your child's birthday is welcome! If you wish to bring in treats to share with the class, please ensure they are store bought, nut free, and gelatin free.
Cell Phones:
Cell phones must be turned off and stored in backpacks during the school day. If you need to reach your child, please call the office to get them a message. 
Homework is assigned daily. Assignments consist of one ELA assignment or Math assignment, and 20 minutes of reading daily with regular entries in a Reading Log. The assignment should take no more than 30 minutes. If your child is consistently taking longer than 30-45 minutes to complete the assignment alone, please reach out to me for help. Homework Club is a great resource, and GirlSmart is fantastic for those who would like more reading experience.