Ms. Gillian's 1st Grade Class


Parent Letter for COVID school closure

Hello parents, 
Here is a letter from our admin about the new updates on the COVID-19 school closure

School Closed till May 1st

As of now we have been asked to let parents know we will be teaching digitally from April 6th week until May 1st. We will keep parents posted with any new information regarding the Corona Virus and when we will physically come back to school.

Book Reports

I want to remind you that book reports are due tomorrow. Please take a photo of your child's poster and send through DOJO and /or post on the assignment slot for SEESAW. I can't wait to see all the kids book posters!

ZOOM live next week

DOJO videos are working and I love creating fun and educational assignments that your child can do more at home while learning from the packets that were sent home. Starting Monday, I will be doing a zoom meeting video with the kiddos to see their cute faces and they can ask any questions during that time. Monday meetings will be 15 mins long. 9:30am, 11:30am and 4:00pm are the available times I can do meetings. Please send me your email so I can add you to the ZOOM meeting list.

Sign up for EPIC Books

If you sign up for free under
log in with our class code: nyp3198
Select their name and you are in!
This is a really amazing online reading tool that helps the kids with extra reading books for them to incorporate while they are home. 

Daily Schedule

Coming up with a daily schedule might be hard, however here is a sample that just might fit. 
8-9am-Wake up have breakfast morning routine.
9-10am-Read story of the week and get into classwork provided
10-10:30- SNACK 
10:30-12:00- Classwork, worksheets, site words, spelling, math practice
12-1pm- LUNCH
1-2pm- Quiet Reading
2-3pm- Free Play, art, math, cooking
3-4pm-Creative time, coloring, playdough
Brain breaks are super important for the kids as well. Giving them ample opportunities to break while doing their work is best for their learning. Watching a GoNoodle, jump rope, paper airplanes, and even dance parties all help for a 5-10 min break.
making each day special with a fun activity.
Make Something Monday- Art, pictures, slime
Tasty Tuesday- Baking or Cooking
WildCard Wednesday- Pick a fun activity from a jar to pretend play post office or grocery worker
Thoughtful Thursday- Write and send letters to neighbors or nursing homes
Favorite Friday - Any activity or video the kids want on free time.