Ms. Gillian's 1st Grade Class


Ms. Mai's ZOOM meeting info

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 603 441 257

Password: 6SWNQn

Here is the plan for assignments

I will be posting assignments and tests on classroom google. Please check your email for your child's email account for google classroom and the classroom code. Once you are in, you will see assignments and due dates for classwork and homework. We will be using Think Central as a resource webpage for you to read the story of the week and if need be use for hard copys. I have linked all assignments into googleclassroom so it really is a one stop shop. You can still message me through email and DOJO if you have questions. April 6th -10th will be a review week. I will be posting some videos of lessons on Monday, and there will be a 9:00am ZOOM for a walk through on google classroom, think central and Zoom info. Please if you want contact the school and they can set up a time for you to come in and learn as a one on one for online learning as well. April 7th is our back to school night. Ours is a zoom at 5:00pm. I will briefly go over the digital learning and take questions about our new way of teaching. Wednesday April 8th will be our first day with a new schedule. I know I have helped to create a daily routine schedule with all of you, but our admin would like to implement this new daily schedule with all the families. I will let you know closer what that new schedule will be. The week of April 13-17th will be our first "real" teaching week with the new schedule. Stay tuned for information regarding that week as well. Please feel free to reach out and let me know if you need anything clarified.