Week of 10/23

Good morning!
This week is a different schedule for students. Students will not have Spelling words or Vocabulary words to practice this week. In Language Arts we will be writing a "spooky" narrative about a house. IF they decide not to make their narrative spooky, that's okay too. We will continue doing Math as usual, and are working on adding and subtracting decimals.
This week we are having parent/teacher conferences. If you have already signed up, thank you- you don't need to do anything else. If you still need to sign up, here's the link:
Mrs. Aishan will be passing out ELPAC and CAASPP test scores in the cafeteria, please see her before or after your parent conference to get your child's scores.
Next Tuesday is Halloween. The Halloween parade will be at 10:45- parents are welcome to attend the parade. There is a costume contest, and details about that should have gone home last week. Students should arrive to school already in costume. We will be doing a fun painting activity and watching a Halloween movie during class that day as well. If your child is concerned about getting paint on their costume, please have them bring an old shirt to put on over their costume. The paint is washable. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know!
Book fair will be open starting Friday during Fall Festival and will be open next week as well. 
PTO is meeting tomorrow 10/24 at 8:30 in the cafeteria. Everybody is welcome.
Important Dates:
10/24- PTO Meeting
10/31- Halloween Parade 10:45
Please let me know if you have any questions and have a great week!
Mrs. Jessica