Week of 9/11

Good morning,
This week in Language Arts we are working on conjunctions and independent and dependent clauses, words with the oo sound, and we are reading a fiction story. In Math, we are finishing Chapter 1. Students will have their Chapter 1 test on Thursday. On Wednesday we will do a review test in class, and they will have the same review test for homework. Thursday they will not have any Math homework. In Social Studies we will continue to work on Geography of the United States.
We are still asking for donations for the 5th grade raffle basket for Fall Festival. I will be sending a flyer home with your students today giving more information.
Students are still working on Let's Go Learn tests this week. It is very important that students try their hardest on these tests because this is how we select students to get extra help with reading comprehension, and also how I make groups for my students in class. 
Cold and flu season is coming up and I just wanted to remind parents and students to stay home if they are feeling sick. I disinfect with Clorox wipes pretty often during this time of year, and I thank you for your donations at the beginning of the school year of those products. 
Here's some important upcoming dates:
9/15- Let's Go Learn Testing ends
9/21- Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser 3:00-9:00PM
9/26- PTO Meeting 8:30AM
9/27- Picture Day
Let me know if you have any questions and have a great week!
Mrs. Jessica