Week of January 30th

Good morning,
This week in Language Arts we are working on decoding words from other languages, comparative and superlative adjectives, identifying theme in a text, and using roots and suffixes to create new words. We are reading a chapter in Social Studies this week about European Exploration, and the reasons that explorers went to new places. We will be examining different explorer's motives and the impacts they had on the lands they settled.
In Math, we are taking the Chapter 5 Math test on Tuesday. Today we will take a review test in class, and the students will have the same review test for homework as well. Chapter 5 was all about dividing decimals. If your student struggled with a certain lesson or skill in Chapter 5, please let me know and I can give them some IXL to practice at home. Please encourage your student to take their time on their test tomorrow and do they best that they can.
The office should be mailing report cards home by the end of this week or early next week. There are no conferences this quarter, but if you have any questions about your child's report card after it arrives, please let me know.
The school will be selling Valentine Grams starting next week. Students can purchase 2 lollipops to send to their friends for $1, or 5 lollipops for $2. Students are also welcome to bring Valentines to share with the class, I will send out a class list early next week with student names.
We will start our World's Finest Chocolate sale later this week. I will send out more information when I have it.
Important Dates:
January 31st- Parent University #3- Topic is Cyber Safety-8:15
January 31st- PTO Meeting- 9:15
February 14th- Valentine's Day
February 17th- No School
February 20th- No School
Please let me know if you have any questions and have a great week!
Mrs. Jessica