April Update

Dear Parents and Families,
This year is going by so fast, I cannot believe it is April already! Your students have been doing very well and working very hard. State testing started last week and the students tried their best and made me very proud! Here are some important things to look for in the coming weeks:
Spring Break is next week, April 15th-April 19th. School will resume on April 22nd.
State testing has started, we will finish up state testing after the Spring Break. Our testing dates are April 29th, May 1st, May 6th and May 7th. If your child will not be present at school those days, please let me know so we can make arrangements for them to make up the test. Thank you for your support!
Our class sold the most chocolate during the World's Finest Chocolates sale, and won a field trip an Oakland A's game. This field trip is on Wednesday, April 24th. In the morning, there is a Science class we are attending at the Coliseum, so we will be leaving school at 8:15, and will be returning by 4:15. We do need parent drivers for this field trip. If more parents would like to go than are needed, priority will be given to those who have not yet been chosen to chaperone a field trip this year. Field trip forms are going home today, April 8th, please have your child return these as soon as possible. I will let chaperones know by the end of this week if they have been chosen. If you are not selected as a chaperone I will give you a wait list number in case a chaperone doesn't show up on the day of the field trip. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Walk-a-Thon is Friday, April 12th. Fliers went home last week with details, and I will send one more home before the event, Parents are welcome to come and enjoy the day with us!
We are finishing up Chapter 5 in Science this week, and we will be taking our Science Test Wednesday or Thursday of this week.
Thank you for your continued support! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Ms. Jessica