Ms. Marlyn » Posts


Copy of Bienvenidos!! Horario

Mandé una invitación a todos los estudiantes por medio de  Google classroom acepte la invitación y obtendrá información acerca de zoom y de cómo ingresar a la clase de español.

I sent an invitation to all students for Google classroom accept the invitation and you will obtain information on how to log in into Zoom for the class. 

Welcome Letter

August 9, 2020


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to my Spanish Class! My name is Marlyn Ruiz, I am going to teach your child Spanish this year! I am passionate about teaching Spanish it is my native language and it has given me the opportunity to learn about the different cultures around the world. This is my fifth year teaching Spanish at Key Academy and overall, it has been an amazing experience.

I am delighted to have your child in my Spanish Class.  I believe that by all of us working together we can make this online distance learning a very successful year.  I consider it of prime importance that you be an active part of your child’s education.  You are invited to e-mail/phone when you have a question concerning your child’s progress.


With warmest regards,

Spanish Teacher

Marlyn Ruiz



I am also providing the schedule for the school year 2020-2021



Dos (2) opciones para el proyecto

1. La comida -Filmar un vídeo cocinando o preparando una comida con tus padres en español.

Fecha límite para entregar el vídeo abril 28, 2020

Two (2) options for this project

1 The food

Film a video cooking or preparing a food with your parents in Spanish

The date line to turn in this video is April 28, 2020


2.La canción-  Filmar un vídeo cantando una canción en español

 Fecha límite para entregar el vídeo abril 28, 2020

2.The song film a video singing a song in Spanish

The date line to turn in this video is April 28, 2020




Hello Parent/Guardians,
Students have been working on writing a biography about themselves in Spanish. They wrote awesome biographies and I know they have worked very hard to complete them.  I feel very proud of the effort that they have put into the project. 

Welcome letter

August 20, 2019


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to my Spanish Class! My name is Marlyn Ruiz, I am going to teach your child Spanish this year! I am passionate about teaching Spanish it is my native language and it has given me the opportunity to learn about the different cultures around the world. This is my fourth year teaching Spanish at Key Academy and overall, it has been an amazing experience. Things I enjoy doing are traveling, take long walks in the park with my family, and read books.

Learning to speak another language will open doors for your child in the future.  He/She will use these language skills in their professional and personal lives.  Learning another language in a lengthy process but it will be very rewarding in the end. The expectation is that your child will practice Spanish in the classroom environment.

I have extremely high expectations of all my students.  I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by consulting with your student periodically to make sure that the work is being completed at home.


Thank you,

Marlyn Ruiz

Spanish Teacher