April 27, 2020 Weekly Update

I think because not many people are logging on to here to check, I won't be updating this as frequently. I will give the focus of the week for our class however, for your convenience.

Today we introduced our new words to know and spelling words. Here they are:

always, different, enough,happy, high, near, once, stories
hard, harder, hardest, fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest, sooner

We will learn how if you add an inflection, like -er or -est, to a word that ends in -y, then the y changes into an i. We will be reading our decodable readers every day. Our story for the week is called "What Can You Do?" We are focusing on the Author's Purpose in the story and exploring why it is important to try your best. We will continue to explore through opinion sentences and review words that express emotion.

Just a reminder, our Lesson 26 is still open today if you have not finished it. Please finish the test so you can get a grade for the class.

Today we reviewed all the concepts from chapter 11. There is a test assigned to the students today, they will have until Friday to finish the test. There are some tricky problems on the test, so make sure you answer them carefully!

For the rest of the week we will begin chapter 12 and a survey of 2-dimensional shapes and their properties.

I hope everyone is doing well in finding routine and supporting those that we love. If anyone needs any extra help in whatever it is, I am available for email or text at reasonable hours. Between the hours of 11 and 12 and also 1 and 330, I am available for conferences, meetings, and extra help with concepts.Take care y'all!