April 14, 2020 Recap

Thank you once again for logging in and showing up! I know sometimes people need to leave for one reason or another, but I simply appreciate those people who are showing up and trying their best. For your convenience, I will be uploading their weekly schedule, so we know what to expect for the weeks. I will still be reminding them each day in class where they will need to be just in case people forget. The zoom information is on my google classroom, but if you need it again just ask and I can send it.

We went over homework from yesterday and our words to know and our spelling words in the beginning of class. We also discussed contractions in class, like "isn't" and "aren't," and we went over combining two smaller sentences into a compound sentence with the word "and." We finished the story "The New Friend" in our textbook.

Our homework today is to complete the next three pages of our readers notebook for lesson 25. That is pages 142-144.

We went over the homework from yesterday. We also created our own tally chart for favorite food in the work. After, we begin Chapter 10 lesson 7 in their math book, and created a table by counting animals in a picture.

For Homework, we will be doing pages 441-444 in their GoMath books.

The starred lessons on IXL are still there. O3 and O4 in math and in Language Arts, I have starred O3 and O4 and also OO1. These will help out those kids who are struggling with the vowel sounds and contractions, and also the tally marks in math.

Thank you and have a great day! See you tomorrow!
Mr. Keith