April 13, 2020 Monday Recap!

We went over our words to know and our spelling words in the beginning of class. I will list them under here so you can study them. We practiced comprehension with a read aloud story. We also read the story "Down at the Farm" in our decodable reader and started the story "The New Friend" in our textbook. 
Words to Know:
buy city family myself party please school seven
Spelling Words:
how now cow owl ouch house found out now town
Our homework today is to complete the first four pages of our readers notebook for lesson 25. That is pages 138-141. You will find it on think central!
We went over making tally charts and marks. The students got a chance to practice creating their own tally marks
We will be doing pages 437-440 in their GoMath books. You will find it on think central!
I have starred a few lessons on IXL for extra practice. O3 and O4 in math and in Language Arts I have starred O3 and O4 and also OO1. I would love to see as many people as they can getting some extra practice in. Thank you all for the great participation and unending patience. 
Thank you and have a great day! See you tomorrow!
Mr. Keith