Week of 12/11

Good morning,
This week we are working on text structure, text and graphic features, regular and irregular verbs, and words ending in -ed and -ing. In Math we are finishing chapter 5, today we are taking the mid chapter quiz, and the students will have review for homework. 
Next week we have a short week because of the Winter Break, so we will be working hard this week and next week to finish up before the break. The last day before the Winter Break is December 21st. We will probably be watching a movie in class that day and finishing up any projects from the week.
If your student is missing any assignments or would like to do test corrections, there is still time before Quarter 2 ends. The last day of Quarter 2 is January 12th, so students will have until that date to turn any missing assignments or test corrections in.
This is an exciting time of year for our students, and they are very excited about the Winter Break. Please remind them that they should come to school every day ready to try their best and get their assignments completed and turned in.
Important Dates:
12/19- PTO Meeting @8:30AM in the cafeteria
12/19- Mobile Library during class time
12/20- Winter Music concert for music club and choir- 3:30 in the cafeteria
12/20- World Arabic Language Day
12/21 Last day before Winter Break
1/9- Students return to school
Please let me know if you have any questions and have a great week.
Mrs. Jessica