Ms. Aishan » Posts


Dear Parents,
Here are the spelling words for this week. Please go over them with your child for retention even after their spelling test. Students will not have new spelling words the week before break due to it being a short week and Multicultural Day happening on the last day before break. Students will have light review homework during this short week. Also, students will have a winter break packet which will consist of:
-making math facts flashcards
-book report after reading a whole book
-animal report(3 paragraphs, a poster with pictures and information or a model of animal in its natural habitat)
*Students will be starting on their animal project this week in class. They will pick their animal, research their animal, and work on their rough draft in class.(Please take your child to the library/search the internet for information on their animal as needed.)*
Finally, please turn in gingerbread donation money by Wednesday to ensure your child's participation and to give the teachers enough time to purchase all the necessary materials.
Please look for tests passed back tomorrow, reading comprehension tests will not be taken home for data collection.
Mrs. Aishan